Sheleen Williams

Master Stylist/Owner/Trainer/Hair Restoration,Thin Hair Specialist
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Changing lives and rebuilding confidence through transformational hair restoration. 


**Triumph Over Adversity**

If you are frustrated with the lack of resources available to you concerning hair loss, Look no further.  I've dedicated over two decades to the beauty and hair loss industries, emerging as a leading expert in the field.  Having battled severe health issues and later being diagnosed with Lyme Disease, only fueled my determination to find a solution to one of the most devastating issues I faced myself.  Hair loss.  The fear and depression I experienced was so isolating and unless you've been there, is hard to express just how truly debilitating it can be.

Through years of relentless research, unwavering dedication, and tedious documentation.   I have created a custom-tailored hair transformation process that works for any type of hair loss.  I understand the profound emotional toll that hair loss can take—and I am dedicated and passionate about seeing confidence and joy return, Love lives and social lives flourishing, invitations accepted, jobs being landed, experiencing calm knowing we have a plan and Solutions to cover any hair concerns that come.

With access to the latest technology and resources, I offer a range of methods to address your unique hair loss concerns and tailor solutions that work specifically to your individuals needs and lifestyle.   

In a world filled with companies offering quick fixes and false promises,   My wealth of experience behind the chair transforming thousands of guests over 3 decades, sets me apart from the rest.  I'm here to empower you to help you regain control and reignite your confidence.

    Working with me means you have a partner who genuinely cares about you and is committed to seeing you through to a successful journey.

My Regular Hours

Training and Educating
By Appt